Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Blog #2-1

Good evening!

The book I am currently reading is Night by Elie Wiesel which is a very riveting,wretched, and moving autobiography. Wiesel uses vivid descriptions to describe the characters in the story such as Moishe to ensure that the audience does not forget the cruel actions of the Holocaust. As a survivor Wiesel's duty is to be the "messenger of the dead among the living". His intent is to not live like glum because of such a catastrophic event that took place during World War ll but to assure people this won't happen again. Theologically, Wiesel plans to motivate the Jews during the Holocaust. Over six million Jews died, leaving many of those left to question how to still have faith? It became a struggle for many people to still have faith when their love ones were dying because of concentration camps and other torturing reasons. 

This book reminds me of the book and movie The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Both books take place during the Holocaust and explains the ongoing pain Jewish people suffered. For example, in Night while Moishe and his father are in a concentration camp the Nazi soldiers forced prisoners to run outside in a cold bath of disinfectant then beaten. Many of them were seperated from family members and often starved. In fact, most people died from hunger and overworking in concentration camps. The only difference in the two is that Moishe and his family are constantly on the move from concentration camp to concentration camp while in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is about a young boy who is not Jewish helps out a young Jew who he has become friends with in a concentration camp he lives near. Everyday the boy brings goods to the young Jew until one day the boy sneaks inside the concentration camp to help his friend find his dad. The story has a very upsetting ending which I won't spoil but shows how there was genuine compassion for Jews that was never fully respected until later on. Eliezer was too stuck in an unfortunate situation as well when he was torn between saving himself or helping his dying father. Interestingly, Eliezer doesn't pray, but he is not an atheist. My question is will Eliezer's unassertive faith in God help him and his father to survive?

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